What is simplest way to display `CMMotionManager.attitude` in a TextView?


My app is dependent on how the iPhone is held. For many reasons, I need to use the device sensors with CoreMotion and the .attitude property. Reading the device’s attitude is only used for a few times/seconds when the user will set the configuration for my app.

I have tried both pulling and pushing the motion data. In both cases, I can’t figure out how to store the CMAttitude values in a way that lets me access them elsewhere.

In the code below…

  • The print statements inside the manager.startDeviceMotionUpdates closure work fine.
  • But … I have ZERO access to the .attitude values outside the closure.
  • The Xcode preview crashes, as well as the app running on my device, if I try to include a TextView with the attitude data.

Here is my code…

import SwiftUI
import CoreMotion

let manager = CMMotionManager()
let queue = OperationQueue()

struct ContentView: View {
   @State var myAttitude: CMAttitude = CMAttitude()
   var body: some View {
      VStack {
         Image(systemName: "globe")
         Text("Hello, world!")
         Button(action: {
            guard manager.isDeviceMotionAvailable else { return }
            manager.startDeviceMotionUpdates(to: queue) { (motion, error) in
               guard let motion else {
               let currentAttitude = motion.attitude
               myAttitude = currentAttitude
               print("Attitude-Pitch: \(myAttitude)")//  ←←← These Work Fine!
               print("Attitude-Pitch: \(myAttitude.pitch.formatted(.number.precision(.fractionLength(5))))")
               print("Attitude-Yaw: \(myAttitude.yaw.formatted(.number.precision(.fractionLength(5))))")
               print("Attitude-Roll: \(myAttitude.roll.formatted(.number.precision(.fractionLength(5))))")
         }, label: {
            Text("Check Your Attitude")
         Text("Attitude-Pitch: \(myAttitude)") //  ←←← App Crashes Here!
//         Text("Attitude-Pitch: \(myAttitude.pitch.formatted(.number.precision(.fractionLength(5))))")
//         Text("Attitude-Yaw: \(myAttitude.yaw.formatted(.number.precision(.fractionLength(5))))")
//         Text("Attitude-Roll: \(myAttitude.roll.formatted(.number.precision(.fractionLength(5))))")

#Preview {
   ContentView(myAttitude: CMAttitude())


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